Maryland Filter Guy

sometimes informative, sometimes funny, always interesting

RF Power at High Altitude

Power is an interesting topic with filters and that interest turns to concern when the filter must operate at high altitudes.  This post is not a comprehensive research paper; it is just a brief discussion of the thought behind designing filters for high-altitude use.   RF power will be “effectively greater” at ...

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What’s in a Name?

Shakespeare wrote in Romeo and Juliet, “What’s in a name?  That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”  I think he means that it does not matter what something is called; what’s important is that it exists.  Or something like that – I’m an ...

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Filter Topologies

Have you ever asked yourself, “why did Jim quote me a cavity filter when I was sure a discrete component filter was what I wanted”? In this post, I’ll detail several different filter topologies and reasons for using them.  In advance, however, please understand that this is a general discussion ...

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Atlanta – IMS2008 – A Look Back

Don’t you always remember your first?  Who doesn’t, right!   Easy, tiger – I am talking about the first IMS-specific ad I ran for Reactel.  The ad was titled “Dirty Secrets” and was centered on hotel drinking glasses’ filthy condition.  What does that have to do with filters or the IMS Conference?  ...

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Out with the New, In with the Old

Did you ever have a favorite restaurant or pub where visiting felt like home?  Every interaction there was like being surrounded in a blanket of comfort and security.  Everything was going to be okay, familiar and safe.  Never a care in the world, these people had your best interests at ...

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Filter Mounting Options

In a rush to specify the proper filter for a particular task, an Electrical Engineer may not give much thought to “how am I going to mount this thing”?  Luckily for this Electrical Engineer (or more accurately, the Mechanical Engineer tasked with fitting all of the components into an enclosure) ...

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WAMI delayed is not WAMI denied

I was sorry to see the announcement that WAMICON 2020 had been canceled – sorry….. combined with WAMICON 2021.  According to the Conference organizers, “…the WAMICON 2020 Conference will be combined with WAMICON 2021.  The Conference will remain in the same location (Clearwater Beach, FL), with the new dates in ...

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How wide can you go?

We often get asked about how wide a filter’s bandwidth can be made.  Typical filter technologies are limited to approximately 75% BW or so.  For applications where ultra-wide, multi-octave bandwidths are required, you would need more than an ordinary filter.  The best filter choice for bandwidths in the 150% range ...

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Review of the Virtual IMS (vIMS)

Some contemplative reactions to the Virtual IMS from an Exhibitor – the comments are my own and may not be indicative of other’s experience or their impression of the vIMS.   The live portion of the Virtual IMS concluded on August 6th though much of the Conference is available On-Demand thru ...

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Thoughts on the Virtual IMS (vIMS)

As most of you know by now, IMS2020 that was to be held in Los Angeles last month was cancelled as an in-person event and rescheduled as a virtual event for August 4-6.  Exhibitors who were involved with the in-person exhibition were offered the opportunity to participate in the vIMS.  ...

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